New Configuration

Creating a sound proof environment in the common space of ALTA, made a new configuration of the identity system necessary.
We can no longer perform a guided tour to the exhibition.
There is no exhibition, actually.
We will create a space in the space, a box, a singular object including our installations.
All performative characteristics are delegated to this new box, transforming the exhibition into an Installation where the spectator has to navigate himself.

New configuration – new site-specific identity: You can never know before it’s over!

Bazaar @ ALTA Prague

The “White Paper” @ the L1 dance festival – Budapest

Some parts of the research we presented in Poznan where also set up in Budapest during the L1 dance festival, in September. The Installation was moving each day at a different venue, Bakelit Studio, MU Theater and Trafo.

It was interesting to see the same main “ingredients” creating a different formation each time, according to the specific characteristics of the space in use, and it definitely suited our research! I went there to set up the installation, and it was very interesting being in Laszlo’s surroundings. It made me understand him better.

“How to perform an art exhibition” @ Art Stations Foundation

Manifesto #1

What are the mechanisms of identity formation? Is the process conscious or not? Can human subjects control it? Could it’s construction be life-long, the same way Castoriadis presents the notion of “education”? Judith Butler would tell us that the never-ending process of identification belongs to the imaginary, while the identity -or the multiple identities- one assumes, are discursively constructed , within a play of difference and exclusion. Laclau, affirms that the constitution of identity – social in particular- is in fact an act of power. The ontology of identification has been re-conceptualized through postmodern psychoanalytic, feminist, social, cultural theories and philosophy. It is believed that the differentiation of post-modern to modern times is the quest for “open options”, for the “recycling” of the elements one adopts -or consumes as commodities as parts of their identity, in contrast to the concrete “self” modernity was praising. If we may address the era emerging right now as Alter-modernity, using Bourriaud’s term, then the contemporary nomad, the “radicant”, excludes from his identity all ties to geographical borders and positioning, forming a self that can exist and integrate in presumably all contexts. Call them flâneurs, vagabonds, tourists, players or radicants, the human subject’s pursue of “belonging” is an infinite journey, towards what one cannot really have, through the fragmented and discontinuous human relationships. And however identification is articulated, this theatrical representation of the self is stated in a series of everyday practices, that we have come to recognize as a kind of “performativity”.


Installation Breakdown– stages

The configuration in space and the material outcome will depend mostly on the space we have at our disposition and the budget. We know for sure there will be 1 mixed media installation, a sound installation, 2 video installations and a scrap book.

1. Enter the realm of identity – your identity, other people’s identities.  In order for your immersion to be more successful, we have to shake your ground somehow, to make you lose all certainty. The discomforting path of self-consciousness. It is never easy to be yourself.

Physical space: There s a corridor, an entrance, some kind of floor – it seems normal but once you start walking on it, something irregular happens, which not only makes you feel you might fall, but also makes you dance. Shaky ground.

2. Identity Manifesto – Performing the unconscious. How is identity formed? What do great theorists think about that? What is this great social construction? Is it personal etc. Identity, a constant unconscious quest for belonging – it’s results performed in everyday life. It gives an idea on our overall vision of identity – two sides of the story:some of the factors forming it and the outcome that cannot be expressed through words. The visitor is facing a mirror of identities, and is also faced with a decision, of changing that vision. A moment of those that define our vision for the world is taking place just I front of our eyes.

Physical space: A frame on the wall, or suspended from the ceiling. A white sheet of paper or a mirror – no matter what it is, it is reflecting unconscious movements and para-lingual signs. You may find your self inthere or not. Somewhere close to the frame there is a big red button. A choice has to be made. Will you press the button?

3. A booklet- the story of red buttons. What is a red button?

4. Sound box – brainwashing / vibrate through / the sensuous way.
Lose yourself to music – to other people’s music

5. Documentation– research paraphernalia – building our own worlds/ identities in process. Different visions, different people, different media. A book

6. Identities Mix – a filter to reality. Origins, faces e.t.c.

7. Interpretations – Delegated worlds. The identity each on of us has works as a filter for the way we perceive an create our own reality.

How to capture identity through Reproductions & Interpretations

One day we practiced on documenting on paper the movement improvisation sombody else would do. Then each one would use another person’s notes and would try to inerpret them. The result was hilarious and practically disastrous but each interpretation was directly demonstrating one’s background, and -some- personal attributes. So then we thought it would be interesting to do the same with unknown instructions: We would “interpret ” the same piece, or the same instructions in our own particular ways, without telling each other what we are doing. But the piece had to be chosen by someone outside the group, to void previous familiarity and practice. Luckily Halka [Třešňáková] suggested us to use a scene from a play of hers!

[…Detailed description of an action: She/he looks out of the window,
as if she/he  was watching something really horrific:
 a shark in an aquarium biting small fish.
 There is a long minimalist exposé,
 a detail of work with hands in a lap.
 Fists and fingers are playing in combinations
with expressions of her/his face…]
extract from “Sticker” by HalkaTřešňáková and Jan Bárta

and here’s the result: